Butterflies Paint by Number Kit
Introducing the Butterflies Paint by Number Kit. A set of two 8x8”" Paint by Numbers Kits for adults or children, designed to unleash unplugged creativity and foster mindfulness. These highly giftable kits are a must-have: Digital detox from screens: Sensory relief for anxious minds: With each brushstroke, you will immerse yoursef in a calming, tactile experience, providing relief for restless or anxious thoughts.
Explores nature and animals: Our kits feature vibrant nature and animal scenes, offering a refreshing escape from the digital world and encouraging a deeper connection with the natural world.
Each Butterflies Paint by Number Kit kit comes complete with two unique 8x8” high-quality canvas paper, two natural wood paint brushes, acrylic paint pots and painting instructions and tips. And to top it off, the box turns into a travel easel!